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Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Meditation-Far, Heart Disease-Athletics

Meditation-Far, Heart Disease-Athletics

Arman Ahmed (pseudonym) was always aware of health. Every day, he used to walk for an hour, extra oil in the food, and avoiding fat all the time. High blood pressure, diabetes, excessive cholesterol-nothing was his. Weight was 100 percent control. Suddenly a day was heard, his heart attack was admitted to Sisi. 
The relatives, neighbors, friends did not want anyone to believe in the news. Such a systematic lifestyle, how did he become a heart attack? After a few days slowly began to recover a little, the doctor, while taking his case history, realized that Armaan's heart attack was mainly due to his emotional stress. He was going through unbearable conditions for a few months in the family turmoil. It was broken so much that the result of which is the heart attack.
In addition to smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, family history of cardiovascular disease, extra cholesterol foods etc., as well as stress or stress is one of the main causes of heart disease. In the last part of the last century, due to various researches around the world, the issue of connecting with strokes with lethal diseases, especially heart disease, is now clear. 
US cardiologist Dr. After a long study, Criston showed that cardiovascular reasons are mainly mental. He said that there is no such thing as a heart attack that will stop cholesterol or fatty corrosion from coronary arteries. It has been found that a marathon ran out of 85% of the Coronary Artery closed. Again, due to stress, tension or depression, another person died of heart attack with a clear artery.
In the sixties, San Francisco Dr. Mayor Fredman and Dr. After the study of Ray Rosendaman, show that there is direct contact with hemorrhagia, rivalry and competitiveness, or the negative way of life. So, for a healthy heart, mental peace and proper life-force. Meditation is now recognized globally for emotional and stress-free life.
We need to develop our anxiety-free lifestyle. Regular prayer and meditation should be done for this. Relaxation or relaxation is very important for stress-free living, mental well-being and healthy heart. It is now proven to be true in many scientific studies that meditation plays an effective role in both prevention and healing. Blood cholesterol is one of the main causes of heart attack. Meditation can reduce abnormally high cholesterol levels. Physiologist Barnes of the Medical College of Georgia conducted a study on 111 young volunteers. After the research, he said that the use of medicines to reduce cholesterol reduction can be found in the same way that meditation can be possible.
Not only that, the authenticity of the role of meditation in the prevention and treatment of cardiac arrest has been found in recent versions of Cardiology's major textbooks. Braunwald's Heart Disease is in the eighth edition of the book, 1157, 'Meditation, yoga, deep breathing, pain and pain and anxiety. Studies have shown that in this method, stress reduction and disease cure are completed. Besides, meditation controls blood pressure and also enhances the effectiveness of insulin in the body. 
Therefore, lead to mental stress free for the heart health. And it can be possible regularly meditation or meditation. Meditation will hold you at least 30 minutes a day. Better life and peace will be your constant companion. All unhappy all sorrow will be removed away. You will become a healthy, vivacious new man.

Five Stars for the body-Athletics

Five Stars for the body-Athletics

Five stars for the body

Five star body? Or the best body? It's hard to achieve. Whatever the goal. Shake 10 pounds of body. Tanning body. Healthy Eating. Not easy? 
Five star day for five star body. 
Five Challenges.
every night and try to sleep seven to nine hours. This is a star work. Health is a great improvement. Weight loss 
68 thousand women have been studied, those who have slept for seven hours at night, have lost weight, less than 5.5 pounds less than those who sleep for five hours. If enough sleep is stimulated in the body, it is more satisfied hormone leptin and less stimulated hunger hormones Ghrelin. 
So hunger takes less. Worry and depression decrease, and the food increases for both of them. If the less rest takes away the well-educated knowledge of the people, then it becomes dull. Try to sleep half an hour every night to see what it is worth. 
exercises to reduce sweat, decrease body weight. Apart from this, the urge to refrain from eating, helping to survive for a long time, reduces stress, and has some bad effects on eating fat.
30 minutes of exercise a day. Do not walk aloud! 
One star gain. Why 
calorie calories properly? Healthy food is also eaten, but it will be fine, stomach-rich and delicious (even snacks), do not eat meals in the 
morning, bananas, curd, how much good? In the afternoon there is a small fishhole, two chalk raat rice rice, vegetables and lots of salad. 
Nice Cocktail cock at night Vegetable-bread, vegetables, along with salad. I did not play ice cream. 
A dark chocolate in the week goes on. 
Stretching, stretching 
muscle is good to play. It also increases the range of movement. Exercise is easy. The less difficult the exercise, the more it will be enjoyable. Have fun to do Yoga is quite different. 
Talk to yourself
This is the most important part of the five-star plan. To be strong, smart, smart and healthy, tap your own back. 
If praise is appropriate, what is the harm? 
Even if one or two stars are achieved in those days, you have to praise yourself. Confidence will increase. Disease will decrease by 30 percent. 
Avoid eating emotional, many eat more emotionally, avoid them; It will reduce the risk of cancer. There are many more reasons to celebrate your body. Backrest 
It's a pleasure to know how many stars have achieved their own five stars 
Incentives are available for smart, healthy behavior. 
Be hopeful there will be. Start each day to practice new ones. 
Do not stay with it, read asleep, beforehand, say yourself, this is the last time ....

Benefits of Body Exercise-Athletics

Benefits of Body Exercise-Athletics

We say exercise or athletics are beneficial. Many people do not know how beneficial or beneficial they are, regular exercise, they should be free from long-term diseases, weight loss, good sleep and emotional tranquility. 
Exercise catches the mind: Exercise on the body of the brain emits various chemicals. These chemical components stimulate Chitta and enhance physical beauty and affection and luminosity as well as appearance. Regular bodybuilders can not easily absorb depression or depression.
Regular exercise prevents chronic diseases: In modern life, the amount of physical labor has decreased-walks are not required, and our dietary habits have also changed. As a result, the incidence of Chronic Diseases such as Hudrag, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, cancer etc. increased day by day. Regular exercise and athletics prevent them. 
Regular exercise decreases body weight: those who have weight gain, there is no substitute for their exercise. Calorie consumption is due to physical work. In this way, as much as we do physical work, our calorie consumption will increase and body weight will be under control. 
Regular exercise enhances work: As a result of exercise and exercise, extra oxygen and nutrients are provided in each and every cell of our body. As a result, our breathing and blood vessels are active. As a result, a healthy life and enthusiasm is created in all the body. It enhances our zeal.
Regular exercise brings sunshine: Exercise is very beneficial for those who have sleep problems. Exercise removes insomnia, reduces excess sleep Of course, you should not exercise before sleeping. Because, after the exercise, due to emotional distress, sleep may be delayed. In that case it is beneficial to exercise early in the morning. 
Regular exercise is beneficial for physical intercourse: Those who have physical or emotional inactivity, exercise is very beneficial for them. Regular physical exercise increases physical cholesterol, physical intercourse increases and positive changes in married life.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Yet Exercise...-Athletics

Yet Exercise...-Athletics

The feeling of a mother is remarkable. There is no end to the mother's body for her little body. Seeking time, eating, sleeping, and always wanting his health. The mother's healthy body is needed for the health of an unborn child. What else is on the recovery of the exercise of options? This organized by answering all the questions, why and when, the time of the unborn child's exercise.
Mother Salima Jahan, assistant professor of gynecology and gynecology department of Sir Salimullah Medical College, has always encouraged to exercise during pregnancy. He said the exercise for new mothers needs more. During pregnancy, some seats, breathing and free-hand exercises may keep away nausea, gastric, foot pain, waist pain and emotional stress. At this time, the body produces Relaxin hormones, which makes the pimples smooth. Unrest in the body during pregnancy. The lower abdomen causes pressure on the spinal cord, resulting in increased back pain, and decreases sleep during the night. However, these problems will get comfortably with the pregnancy and some other timely exercises. Those who used to perform regular exercises, they can continue the mild exercises. Everyday 20 to 30 minutes walking, aerobics, light yoga and jogging, You can do cycling. It should be practiced at least 10 times a day to contract and extend the path of exhalation and exhalation. This will reduce the problems of the uterus and sepus. Start new exercises every five minutes a day. But do not exercise more than 30 minutes in a day. Do not exercise at any time or place, when you become restless in ghee. Exercise before sleeping in the morning or night, if necessary leave the fan. Wear clothes of normal feet cotton. Do not wear too tight clothes. Before eating, eat a glass of water and light food. It can be a result. Do not let the panisuna do not look. Suddenly, do not exercise if you have a headache, chest or headache. If the movement of the child is less, stop the exercise. remember, Do not do any exercises after 16 weeks in the exercises that are given here. You should definitely consult your doctor before starting regular exercise.
Golds gym instructor, Dayita, said, "For the first one to three months, the seats for three to seven months and some seven-month free-hand exercise can be done. It is quick to take some simple exercises in time.
It is important to remember that exercise is completely prohibited at certain times. These are: - 
If there is a restriction of physician. 
 If you have high blood pressure 
  If there is any abortion in the uterus 
 If the uterus or flowers are inverted 
 If there are several abortions 
 If there is twins in the womb

Core Exercises to Increase Weight-Athletics

Core Exercises to Increase Weight-Athletics

Those who do not increase the weight of oneeac, they say in Jim's words that the hard-gynaer. How the hard guanars can increase weight, one of the most popular ways to increase weight gain is discussing some topics " Weight Loss (for Hardgenerators) " in the post.
In that post, there were some specific types of exercises going on in the gym to increase weight. These exercises are some of the upper body exercises that are called Core or Compound Exercise to increase weight. Exercises are:
1. Bench Presses - book, shoulders, arms (triceps) 
2. Overhead Presses - shoulders, arms (triceps) 
Pull-ups / Chin-ups (back-up / Chin-up) - backside, arms (biceps) 
4. Squats - legs, lower back 
Deadlifts - legs, backs, shoulders 
6. Bar Dips - Left, Chest, Arm (Trisepe)
There are brief discussions about the exercises - 
(before stretching each exercise, stretch the part of the body.)
1. Bench Presses (bench press)
This is the chest exercise. It also applies to the backside tricef.
Technique: Holding legs on both sides, grabbing a barbell with a grip on the waist or slightly more than the other on the bench. (Hold it for a long time so that it does not slip down.) Hold the barbell from the rack. Now bring down the middle of the barrel chest to take breath. (This time it takes the most energy.) Put the barbell directly above the chest with the touching position. This is the last position.
Tips: Do not drop the booklets on the chest. There is no problem when the back is slightly curved, but the hip can never go from the bench. At the time of taking heavy weight, you can take a helping hand to the head. In the last position, the elbows will not be straight enough to hold the light slightly.
* If you can not go to the gym, you can book in the house as an alternative to this book.
2. Overhead Presses (Overhead Press)
It's shoulder exercise. It also puts light pressure on the arm (triceps).
Technique: It can be sitting or standing in the chair / bench. It will also be fitted in a little more wide than the shoulder distance. Get down from the rack and slowly take the breath down to the chin. At this time, the back may be slightly curved and the head may fall slightly behind. Now put the barbel on top of the head after leaving the breath.
Tips: Since the body is particularly bent in this exercise, it starts with very little weight in the beginning. Keep the elbows lightened while lifting weight.
Note: Warm-up your shoulders before you start.
* Even if you can not go to the gym, this exercise can be done by home-made items such as tall wood, tree branches, etc.
3. Pull-ups / Chin-Ups (Pool-up / Chin-Up)
It is one of the main exercises for the back or back of the body. Along with it, the bahap (bisepe) also works for the.
Technique: Stretch your hand a little more than two shoulders and pull in the pullup bar. Hand palm will be on the opposite side of the body. (Closer Grip Chin-up, which stretches the palm of your hand while stretching the arm, should be turned on the face). Then lift your body up and take the breath. The book will almost be close to the bar. Now gradually bring down the body by breathing down.
Tips: Try to keep the elbows on the rim cage while going up. When down the elbow, make the elbows straight down. 
The exercise seems very difficult at first. Still, try to give up one or two pullups. If needed, ask to help someone push them down from the bottom.
Note: The head and back will be curved, so that it does not have to be attached to the head bar.
* There is no such thing as to see in the film that this exercise will have to go to the gym. It can also be arranged by making a round post with bamboo door, or parallel sliced ​​pulses of a tree with low buds.
4. Squats (squats)
In the world of exercise it is called number one. This exercise is very beneficial for all the lower back muscles, lower back, shoulders, abdominal, lungs and heart. Many people avoid it, because this exercise is very difficult, technically complicated and very careful.
Technique: Firstly, the weight of the exercise should be reduced by taking light weight or rack. The barbell should be set slightly lower than the shoulder. Now remove the barbell from the rack with two hands on the shoulder and let's move back two steps. Breathe the chest with a light bent (not hunkered) but stay down to take breath. The thighs will be lower till parallel to the floor. Then, as soon as you breathe, just stand on the feet again and again.
Tips: Stretching legs, thighs, waist, buttocks, stretching well before exercise. There will be loosely dress.
Note: First of all focus on whether the form or form of the exercise is appropriate. Let's give more rapes with less weight. Do not overweight until the waist is solid.
* School-educated boys can help you You can do it on the shoulders of different age groups. They will gladly agree First little weight, take someone with that. Gradually overweight boys. If you fall asleep in the soft spot or grass, you will not get pain. Apart from this, you will get various weight items towards the village. In many places weighing up to 40 pounds are also available.
5. Deadlifts (deadlifts)
Basically the back exercises of the thigh But there is a lot of pressure on the back and shoulders. Do not exercise if there is a pain in the waist.
Technique: The barbell will be on the floor. The two-haats will have to stand upright with the barbell. Do not stress your hands or shoulders. Just keep and hold by hand. The whole mass will fall on the feet. The head is straight and the eyesight parallel to the floor. Of course, you can not get bored, then you will get pain on your waist. The chest will be blown and the back will be curved. 
When you do it again, the weight will not touch the whole floor. To reach near the weight floor, it will be straight again.
Tips: Stretching legs, thighs, waist, buttocks, before exercising. There will be loosely dress. Do not exercise if there is pain on the back or waist.
Note: Do not take too much weight before this exercise is too much risk of pain. Fix the form before light weight.
* If you get a tree or a trunk, you can do it by arranging a rope on both sides.
6. Bar Dips (Bar Deep)
This exercise is more effective than bench presses to increase the chest and arms (triceps) muscles.
Technique: Put your feet on the waist height and stand feet on the hands of two hands in front of the waist. Take the body down as much as you can to take breath. Remember, feet can not touch the soil. Now leave the breath and go straight over with the mass on hand. Always keep the elbow inwards.
Tips: This exercises for chest will lean forward. The body should be kept straight for the trayup.
Note: You should keep an eye on the lower part of the body. Do not exercise if there is shoulder pain or any other injuries.
* It can be done with two chairs or a high bench on both sides. Or you can make bamboo bands by parallel or corner. Whichever way you can grill according to the chest size of banale. You can place someone on the chair so that the chair does not become one.

Three Exercises to Measure Fitness-Athletics

Three Exercises to Measure Fitness-Athletics


Many of your places have talked about fitness. For many reasons, many have been advised to increase physical fitness. But how do you know if your current fitness is at any stage and if you can not afford any exercise, then it will not be said. Three exercises were mentioned in this post.
After reading this post, they will be able to take their fitness tests. 
So let's start-
Way # 1:
Fitness starts at the middle of the body, ie, on the stomach condition. And this is the measure of the abdominal exercise "Planck". 
The basic planck is to stretch and lie on the toes and hands and elbows on the legs. Take a look at the picture.
Result: If the 
basic planck is less than 60 seconds -> If you 
have 60 seconds below the fitness average -> Overweight fitness 
steps can be taken up to 60 seconds by putting it on a table -> If you have 60 seconds to 
stretch without elbows on the fitness average - > The body is fully fit
Way # 2
Bookedon We all are familiar with Bukedan. Its position and movement is very easy because it is a very popular exercise to increase chest muscles. 
Stretching should be placed on the feet of the feet and lying on the palm of the hand. Then the elbows will be rolled up and up to an inch above the floral wall, and after a break, it will be restored. It will be calculated as a bookcase. 
Many people have bookmarked their waist and there is no need for it.
Less than 15 bookmarks -> 
16 to 29 under the coverage -> Booking - > Average 
30-44 bookings -> 
Over 45 bookings -> Full fit on average
Way # 3
One of the main exercises for "chinup" is for the whole upper rear part of the body including arms, arms, back, shoulders. Exercise can be done in two ways, one) facing the palm of the hand, 2) The palm of the hand faces its opposite side. The bar will have to be touched in any way by touching the bar. There is a break in like one second and gradually the body will be brought down gradually. A pullup will take place once and once the body is lifted up and down.
less than 3 Chinappage -> 
3 to 7 under the average -> Overage 
8-10 -> 
Over 10 over average -> Full fit

Way to Increase Weight (For Hardgeener)-Athletics

Way to Increase Weight (For Hardgeener)-Athletics

There are many people who eat too much and go to the patient even after exercising; Do not raise weight (HardGeener) - This method is especially for them.
Exercise in the gym will increase the muscles only, the fat will not grow, it will not be so. Fat also increases with muscle. Approximately 60% of muscles and 40% increases fat. After this, the fat is to be light-weight and run away with different lightweight exercises. Bodybuilders thus increase weight.
Let's talk about 
those who do not grow too much - let's talk about it - those who are very lean, those who do not increase their weight even after eating a lot are called Hard gainer - their metabolism (easy digestion in simple English) is very high due to the burning of food. So, nutrition does not take over. Again, those who play a little bit (their number is more) - their metabolism very low.
When there is talk of metabolism, in the middle, let's say something about it - 
digestion is not the same. It is very congenital. But very high or very low- both are bad. Well the middle position is good.
But what is the way to do metabolism?
Our body burns a certain amount of calories in the hour. Generally, it's like 75 calories per hour in some cases. As such, a healthy, full-blown old man needs around 1800 calories. But now it can be said that if you do not eat so much then once you play 1800 calories. 
But no! Because our body can take a certain amount of calories for a specific time. More than that, the body will automatically store the remaining calories as body fat. 
Currently, this "fixed time" is only a short time of 3 hours. Because once you play it will take about two and a half to three hours to digest. Since it is not possible to sleep in sleep, we will have to accept all day calories for the rest of the day without sleeping.
Suppose, the height is 5 feet 6 inches and weighing 150 pounds or 67 kilograms weighing about 1800 calories, if we do not want to reduce weight or do not want to increase weight, weighing around 1800 calories. Now it is not possible to eat 75 calories per hour. Once it is played, it will take about two and a half to three hours to digest. During this time your body needs 75 * 3 = 225 calories. By adding sleeping time it was caught 300 calories. 
So it can be possible to complete 1800 calories playing every two and a half hours or three times a day with 300 calories. 
After three hours of digestion of 300 calories, after 3 hours, a healthy-normal body will be waiting for new foods again. 
This time the magic of the body a little better!
If people do not eat, then the body will first give strength by burning fat stored in the body. Gradually the muscles will begin to burn. Thus the body will be decayed and people will start becoming lean day by day. 

1. If you take 300+ calories instead of 300 in 3 hours, then your body will be able to burn 300 calories to 3 hours in the body. The rest of the calories will start to be stored as straight fat. (The boys will start collecting the hip and thighs from the stomach and the thighs of the girls.) 
2. If you eat 3 times, then you will have to eat 600 calories a day after 5-6 hours. 300 calories will be digested properly in 3 hours, the rest of the food will start to become fat without proper digestion and this next 3 hours will start to look weak.
3. When the body will see that you are not feeding again after 3 hours, then he will start saving energy to save himself and that is, as fat. Thus, when eating food becomes irregular, the metabolism will be 12 o'clock. 
4. As soon as the digestion is done, after feeding (after 3 hours), the body does not have to conserve the internal energy by accumulating excessive stress, ie not accumulating fat. Then the body will look at your external activities. When people get the "force to work" at the same time. 
That is, to maintain good digestion, it will be eaten regularly in a little bit.
But what to eat?
Of course the balance feet! This means that there should be a combination of proteins, carbohydrate and fat in each meal. About 40% protein, 30% fat, and 30% fat. 
Fish, meat, eggs, milk, soup yogurt, red rice rice, flour bread, vegetables, fruits, lots of water.
Do not eat
White rice, round potatoes, flour, sugar, sodium, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, processed food, canned food, oily and spicy foods.
What kind of exercise?
In general, people take a wait that can pay 10 to 15 rapes per set in the gym. But to increase the weight, you have to take a weight that can give you 4 to 7 rapes every time. Exercise with free wetting without using the machine. All those exercises that have to be exercised in the muscles of multiple muscles together. These are called "core" or "compound" excercises. Such as-

1. Bench Presses - book, shoulders, arms (triceps) 
2. Overhead Presses - shoulders, arms (triceps) 
3. Pull-ups / Rows - backside, arms (biceps) 
4. Squats - legs, lower back 
5. Dead lifts - legs, backs, shoulders 
6. Bar Dips - Left, Chest, Arm (Trisepe)
Why is sleeping urgent?
It is better to rest or sleep every 8-9 hours a day. Because people are big in sleep. Going to the gym is pumped solely to the muscle, but when the body is in full rest, the muscles will grow.

There must have been some common ideas at this time. But how to adjust all things, that is to explain how to use the method to increase the weights, it is being summed up briefly- Telling the 
straightforward method in Bangla- two feet should be forwarded, one foot should be pushed. 
As you can in the first two weeks (at least 2500 calories), eat it. You do not have to eat a lot. But protein is enough. After every two hours you will eat something. And with plenty of water. 
Going to the gym will be a very hard exercise. Wet ones, less rapps. Exercise 3 days a week (after one day). Keep each session between 60 minutes and 75 minutes. Because after this the body will be tired. If the exercise continues then the muscle will be decayed. Eat two hours before the gym starts and you will definitely eat again within one hour of the end. Sleep as much as possible, sleep.
First day - chest, back and stomach exercises. 
The second day - legs and stomach. 
Third day - shoulders, arm, stomach. 
(Details will be given in another post)
If you follow everything exactly after two weeks, weigh at least one to two kgs. But after eating more, you can not take your body anymore because your anabolic hormone will return to the normal level. Then the growth of the body will decrease. So after this it has to be delayed, that means the following week will be reduced to a lot. Eat like 1300-1500 calories. The food will be very clean. Eat less fat and carbohydrates. 
This week's gym sessions can be: 
Session 1 - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Pet 
Session 2 - Foot, Pet 
Session 3 - Back, Biceps, Stomach 
(Details will be given in another post)
Give 10 to 15 rapes with very light weight. Do not put too much pressure on the body. Because this week you are less eaten. This week will be the main part of the maintenance period. In this episode, some water will be released from the body and it will be a little lighter. A little weight will be reduced. Do not break it out. Because the next two weeks the body will begin to flower again due to excessive diet and hard exercise. As soon as the food is eaten in the stomach, the body will spit like a sponge.
Thus, weighing one or two kgs every 3 weeks will increase. The technique will continue as long as your weight is high enough. Suppose you need 70 kg of weight, then increase to 75 kg. Then, using the other technique, the remaining 5 kg, most of which will be removed, fat. 


Meditation-Far, Heart Disease-Athletics

Meditation-Far, Heart Disease-Athletics Arman Ahmed (pseudonym) was always aware of health.  Every day, he used to walk for an hou...


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